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Why you need tyre insurance

By Ruth Sedar Published in Motor December 16, 20212 min read

When you’re hitting the road, unexpected bumps can quickly turn your journey from adventure to disaster. With debris in the road, poor surfaces, potholes and carriageway defects (AKA smaller potholes) your tyres can easily be damaged. And we get it - they’re your pride and joy so the last thing you want is to shell out on paying for a replacement or even a whole new set.

Car insurance covers the whole vehicle, but might not always specifically pay out to replace damaged tyres when people submit a claim.

With Rubber Ring tyre insurance, you can get covered and carry on. We’ve got affordable coverage with policies that start from just £12 per tyre. Our smart AI technology is powered by customer insights, giving you the best prices and best cover possible.

But best of all, Rubber Ring tyre insurance gives you the peace of mind you need to get cover for your tyres and carry on.

Be prepared with tyre insurance

Let’s face it: sh*t happens. The road isn’t always as forgiving as you want it to be.
You’ll be grateful you took out Rubber Ring tyre insurance...

  • ...in winter. Untreated roads, black ice and extra bumpy potholes can all cause damage.
  • ...in bad weather. Dry and dusty roads can be just as dangerous as icy roads. Dry conditions can cause your tyres to lose grip and skid on the surface.
  • ...on a staycation. The last thing you want is to get a flat or take damage to your tyres en route to a much-needed holiday.
  • ...over long journeys. If you do a lot of mileage, you’ll want to have peace of mind that your rubber is safe.
  • ...on tour. Road trips can mean coming up against uneven surfaces on country roads and scenic routes.

Make sure taking out tyre insurance is on your list of jobs when it comes to getting your car ready to hit the road. We can insure your new tyres within 72 hours of having them fitted, so if you have tyres fitted on a Friday, we can still cover you if you apply for a tyre insurance policy after the weekend on Monday. It’s one of the many ways Rubber Ring makes sure to keep you happy: we call it our Customer Contentment policy. If you’re happy, we’re happy. And if you’re not, then we make it right. Promise.

All about potholes

In the UK, the Department for Transport has set aside a whopping £500m for pothole repairs in 2022. With major roads littered with gaping holes just waiting to gobble up your valuable tyres, it pays to have extra protection. And as for carriageway defects, the smaller siblings of potholes, there’s plenty of those too. Including damaged surfaces, crazing, shallow and small potholes and subsidence, there are many different ways to damage your tyres on the road. In 2021, authorities in Manchester topped the UK’s payout list and spent the most on settling damage claims caused by potholes: an impressive £1,165,279 in compensation.

You can’t rely on traditional car insurance to cover every possible outcome. For example, it doesn’t always cover punctures or damage to tyres. So why take the risk of not being covered for replacement tyres if you need them? That’s where tyre insurance comes into its own as a helpful and specific insurance covering just the parts that need to be covered.

Find out more about Rubber Ring tyre insurance and get your free quote.