Who are Rubber Ring?
Rubber Ring is all about insurance but done differently. Our products are driven by technology and insights in customer behaviour and attitudes to give you the cover you need for the best possible price. Our ultimate mission is to provide Customer Contentment whether it is taking out a new policy, communicating with us or making a claim.
How is Rubber Ring structured?
Rubber Ring or Rubber Ring Financial Services Limited as we are also known is a privately owned company registered at Companies House, number 12075495.
We are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, reference 912930.
How do I get Rubber Ring Insurance?
All of our products are fully online and can be accessed from any device, anywhere in the world from www.rubber-ring.co.uk
Is my information kept confidential?
Your personal information is super important to us, we treat it like it’s our own and WE PROMISE to never sell it on.
We comply with data protection regulations, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation(“GDPR”).
Some of my contact details have changed, what should I do?
No problem, just login to your Account and you can change them there. No need to worry about your documents as we will amend them going forward. Oh and as you would hope and expect with Rubber Ring there is NO charge for making amends, even if you need to call us to make them.
What is an A-rated underwriter or insurer?
The rating provides an assessment of the financial strength of an insurer and most importantly, its ability to pay claims. An ‘A’ rated insurer indicates an excellent ability to pay claims, while a ‘C’ rating means that the insurer may be less able to pay claims.
What items are classed as Home Contents?
Household goods are domestic appliances, personal property including fixtures and fittings, carpets that are not permanently fitted to the buildings, electronic and entertainment equipment, personal money and valuables plus we include office/business equipment.
My friend owns the apartment but I rent a room. Does the policy just cover myself and my times or is it for everything in the whole apartment?
So the policy will cover the property of the people named on the policy. So if you took it out it in your name only, it would cover just your stuff.
You could add your friend's name to the same policy to cover all the stuff in the apartment that your friends owns too, just be sure to increase the amount of cover to cover the cost of replacing all their stuff too.
How do I work out how much Home Contents Insurance do I need?
It can be tricky to work out the total sum of your contents in your home. If you underestimate the amount then in the event of a claim you may not receive enough of a payout to replace all of your items. If you overestimate the amount, you might end up paying too much for your insurance.
Consider making a list of all the items in your home and assigning a value to each of them. The sum of all these item's values together will give you the figure you need to cover in your quote.
Does Home Contents Insurance cover mobile phones?
Yes, a Rubber Ring Contents Insurance policy will cover your mobile phone whilst in the home. To make sure your phone is covered when you take it outside of the home, make sure you add-on ‘Out of Home’ cover to your quote. This is usually an optional add-on to Contents Insurance policies.
Please note that there may be limits around how old the mobile phone is and if claimed will be depreciated. It’s always best to check out the Policy Wording Document before you buy any insurance.
Are bikes covered under Home Contents Insurance?
Yes, with Rubber Ring you have the option to cover any bicycles whilst in the home and when out of the home too. Just make sure this is specified on your quote before proceeding to payment.
Please note that if you have Out Of Home cover there are certain stipulations as to how and where you can lock you bike so be sure to check the Policy Wording Document.
Does the Public Liability as part of my Home Contents Insurance cover me if I cause an accident whilst riding my bike?
Yes it does and also covers for various other sports and activities where Public Liability insurance may be required such as playing golf.
Please note that if you have Out Of Home cover there are certain stipulations as to how and where you can lock you bike so be sure to check the Policy Wording Document.
Does Home Contents Insurance include cover for Accidental Damage?
Accidental Damage is included if you are not a landlord or a student.
If you are a landlord or a student this cover is not included in your standard policy but can be added on for an additional premium.
Accidental Damage means unexpected and unintended damage or breakage to your home contents. This would have been caused by a single unforeseen sudden and one-off event.
This cover also extends to laptops.
Does Contents Insurance include Tenants Liability?
Yes, Tenants Liability is included on all Rubber Ring's Contents Insurance polices unless you are unemployed.
What happens if I cancel my Home Contents Insurance?
You can cancel your policy at any time by logging into your Rubber Ring Account and follow the "Cancel" link. If you pay monthly, the insurance will expire at the end of the month in which you cancel and therefore no refunds will be made. If you pay annually for your policy, you will receive a refund for the unused portion of your premium provided that you have not made any claims on the policy being cancelled.
And if you ever want to come back? No problem! We’ll create a new policy for you. Know that our prices change from time to time, so your new policy may come with a different rate.
Policy holders have access to the Helpline Services listed below 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Please note that in some cases, depending on the type of advice required and time of call, a call back may need to be arranged (this does not apply to the Counselling Helpline).
If you need to use the Helpline Services, please have ready your policy number ready to quote.
To help us monitor and improve service standards, all calls are recorded, other than those to the Counselling Helpline.
Personal Legal Advice Helpline: 0344 840 6345.
Provides you with confidential telephone legal advice on personal legal matters subject to the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
Personal Tax Advice Helpline: 0344 840 6345.
Provides you with confidential telephone advice on personal tax matters subject to the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
Counselling Helpline: 0344 840 6344.
Provides you with a confidential telephone counselling service on matters causing you distress. This includes onward referral to relevant voluntary or professional services who may be able to provide further support.
Access to the telephone counselling helpline is covered by your Rubber Ring Landlord Policy, however any costs incurred in using these onward referral services are not covered.
Can you cover me if I live outside the UK?
No. We only currently offer cover for a permanent resident of Great Britain, The Isle of Man, Northern Ireland and The Channel Islands.
Am I covered for playing golf abroad?
Yes. All of our golf insurance policies worldwide cover as standard. If you play abroad, we can cover you worldwide for up to 120 days a year. This includes all the benefits on your policy, such as equipment cover and personal accident protection, but most importantly means you’re covered for personal liability claims, wherever you tee off.
What is Hole-In-One cover?
We’ll cover the cost of the traditional round of drinks at the bar if you’re lucky enough to hit a hole-in-one.
This means that should you find yourself in a lucky enough position to bag a one-shot hole, the financial obligations are taken care of.
Our policy will cover up to £200 worth of bar bills if you achieve a hole-in-one, provided you must have your scorecard signed by the club secretary. Claims should be submitted together with the original itemised cash register receipts to us within 28 days and receipts must have been incurred within 48 hours of the achievement and only from the club premises.
How do I cancel my golf insurance policy?
Simply Login to your Rubber Ring Account , locate your policy and press "Cancel". All policies are annual policies, after the fourteen (14) day cooling off period, you will not be eligible for a refund. If you are within the cooling off period provided you have not made a claim, you will be entitled to a full refund of any premium paid, subject to a deduction for any time for which you have been covered and the administrative cost of providing the insurance.
Is there a maximum I can claim for one item?
No! You can make a claim for an item of any value.
Remember that we will only pay out up to the sum insured. eg. if you have an item valued at £3,000 but you have only taken out insurance for £2,500, the maximum we could pay out on that item would be £2,500.
The amount of cover you choose should be sufficient enough to replace the total value of all of your golf equipment. This includes your clubs, balls, bags, trolleys, carts, clothing GPS devices and GPS watches and other accessories purchased for playing golf.
Are my clubs insured when in my vehicle?
Yes. As long as the vehicle is locked and your golf equipment is out of sight, we can cover you.
Is my golf equipment covered New for Old?
Yes. We can replace damaged clubs with brand new alternatives, regardless of their age, if they are beyond repair. We’re also pleased that we are able to say we have no single item limits when it comes to equipment claims.
Do I need original receipts to make a golf insurance claim?
We require original receipts, a Bank or Credit Card Statement, or a Valuation as proof of purchase or supporting documentation that confirms both the purchase and ownership. In cases where these documents are unavailable, claims will be addressed on an indemnity basis.
Please note that an indemnity basis involves making adjustments to account for wear and tear.
Am I not covered on my home insurance policy?
In some instances your golf equipment can be covered on your home insurance policy but a lot of the time it an optional add-on with an extra premium to pay. Be aware that you may also need to itemise your golf equipment on your home insurance.
Likewise you may have an element of Personal Liability cover on a home insurance policy if you have one.
Even if your golf equipment is covered on your home insurance, these particular policies usually come with a higher excess to pay and making a claim can also effect your renewal premium.
With Rubber Ring Golf Insurance there is only a £50 excess to pay (which can be waivered for £7.50/year) and any claims made do not affect your renewal price.
Also worth mentioning is that a home insurance policy will not normally come with golfing specific cover such as Hole-In-One protection.