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What level of public liability insurance do I need?

By Published in November 26, 20212 min read

In business, your clients rely on your expertise and skill.

Accidents, by their very nature, cannot always be predicted, but could result in serious injury or loss to a client or third party and serious financial loss to you. Public liability insurance can protect you against the unexpected, so you can concentrate on what you do best.

Public liability insurance is not a legal requirement, although your clients may require you to hold it under contract. It is, however considered an essential in business today, and in many professions, you will not be able to trade without it. Whether it’s legal or not or stipulated or not – it makes sense to get cover which can protect you if the worst should happen. In our compensation culture, any potential claim. could run into hundreds of thousands or even millions of pounds, which is enough to put any firm – or individual – out of business. This is why it is also important to choose the right level of cover for you.

What level is needed?

The level you need depends on the type of work that you do and whether your clients expect a certain amount of cover. You will need to think about the scale of work you/your company undertakes, the general risks involved and how these would translate into compensation claims. The bigger the company and the higher level of risk involved in the work that you do will naturally equate to a higher level of public liability insurance needed.

Do remember that compensation claims can also involve medical care as well as loss of earnings and repairing any damage caused. At ipro, you can choose up to £5m and because we know that your time is valuable – we can provide a quote in less than 90 seconds and get you covered in under 5 minutes. Even better, you can pay by interest-free instalments.

What should I consider?

Your chosen cover level is the maximum your policy will pay out if a claim is made against you. The following is a guide to the level of public liability for your chosen profession:

IT Consultants

Risks include

  • Cable trip hazards
  • Risk of shock
  • Damage to client’s equipment

Working for the local authorities or government will usually involve a minimum of 5 million pounds cover.

Creative & Media

Risks include

  • Damage to client’s property
  • Risks posed offsite such as industry events, commercial shoots, advertising, market research, visiting client’s homes and more

With the media field covering a wide range of professions such as:

Marketers, graphic designers, web designers, advertising agents, public relations, brand development, corporate identity consultants, copywriters, publishers and broadcasters; it is important to think about how many people are involved, and the sort of activities you undertake.

Project Managers

Risks include

  • Risk of injury or even death on construction sites
  • Risk of damage to third party equipment

Some trade bodies and associations stipulate a minimum level of cover, have you checked yours? Architectural and construction-based companies often require the highest level of cover due to the increased risk of site accidents.

Translators and Interpreters

Risks include

  • Risk of accidents when interpreting at someone else’s premises.
  • Risk of accidents if clients visit your home

You should consider all situations whereby you may cause bodily injury or property damage when choosing your limit.